PKPM CAD中砖混底框结构设计若干问题的探讨 pdf
PKPM CAD中砖混底框结构设计若干问题的探讨蒋炳炎,鄢爱兰,周益强
(南华大学 建筑工程与资源环境学院,渤南 衡阳 42l001)
摘 要:通过工程 实践和理论分析 ,本文对利用 PKPM CAD程序进行砖混一底框结构
设计中存在的若干问题进行 了探讨 ,井介绍 了相应的解决方法.
关键词:PKPM CAD程序 ;砖混底框;结构设计
中图分类号 :TU522.3文献标识码 :A
The Approach of Several Problems in Structure Design of M as
— —
onry Construction with Bottom Frame by Using PKPM CAD
JIANG Bing—yan,YAN Ai—lan,ZHOU Yi—qiang
(,School of?mehitoetural Engineering,Resoumes and Envimmnent Nanhua UnlversRy,Hen~vang
Abstract:Through engineering practice and theoretical analysis,several problems in S{3"[1OtO~
design of mason~construction with bottom frame hv using PKlCAD software have been dis—
cussed in this paper,and the corresponding solutions have also been introduced.
Keywords:PKPM CAD software;rrmsomy consLructlon with bott~nframe;structure design :handshake 谢谢LZ 顶一下,呵呵,谢了啊 收下了 谢谢 谢谢啦:loveliness: 似乎有点年代久远02年的啊 dgyt感谢了!:handshake