

木工程毕业设计 小摘要.doc

seabob 发表于 2009-3-15 16:16:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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土木工程系   土木工程专业  XXX

【摘  要】本设计的题目为XX建筑工程学院教学楼结构设计。建筑主体五层,局部六层,总建筑面积为8000m2,建筑总高度为21.60m,抗震设防烈度为7度,抗震等级为三级。结构采用钢筋混凝土框架形式及独立的钢筋混凝土柱下基础。本设计的主要工作为该工程的建筑设计和结构设计。建筑设计的内容包括平面、立面及剖面设计;结构设计的内容包括荷载统计、内力分析及构件配筋计算等。设计成果的主要表现形式为建筑施工图和结构施工图。本设计主要进行了第8 榀横向框架的结构设计。在确定了框架布局之后,进行了各种荷载、作用的计算,分析了结构的内力,找出了最不利的内力组,进行了配筋计算,顺便进行了初步的经济分析。本设计所遵循的基本理论为弹性理论,所采用的计算方法主要有D值法、分层法及底部剪力法等。
【关键词】 框架结构、建筑设计、结构设计
【ABSTRACT】 The title of this Project is designing for a conglomerate storied building of XXXXXXXXX OF ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING’S Teaching building . The architecture has five stories and one part of it has six stories. Its whole floorage is 8000m2, its top is21.60 m high. The earthquake intensity is 7. Style of the building is totally frame structure of reinforced concrete. The foundation of the building is the single footing stand. The design includes two parts, the architectural design and the structural design. The architectural design comprises Plane design, vertical surface design and section plane design. The structural design comprises calculating of load,the analysis of internal force,design of sections and so on. The purpose of the design is to do the anti-seismic design in the Crosswise frame of axis 8. After the directions of the frames is determined, various loads are calculated,the internal forces of the frame are analyzed, then the combination internal forces are found which will be most unfavorable, and the works of section design are completed.
【KEY WORDS】 Frame structure 、Architectural design、Structural design
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